Think Brian and AJ drive long distances in one sitting? They have nothing on the drivers of Red Bull Racing’s two transporters. Keep in mind, the cargo these guys smuggle across state lines is quite valuable, so there’s no room for error and no time for tardiness.
Scott Denton and Mike Williams man the 83 truck. Jim Gilbert and Tom Czoka work the 84 hauler. Their most recent cross-county journey was to Sonoma, Calif., and Scott revealed it took he and Mike 48 hours to return home. That’s 48 non-stop hours of fuel-only stops while one drives and the other sleeps.
An unofficial and inexact study through MapQuest revealed just how far Red Bull Racing’s two transporters have traveled for race competition, this being the halfway point of the 38-race schedule:
— Longest trip: Infineon Raceway, Sonoma, Calif. (5,614 miles round-trip).
— Shortest trip: Lowe’s Motor Speedway, Concord, N.C. (56 miles round-trip, twice).
— Total mileage: 31,150 miles. The circumference of the Earth at the equator, for the record, is 24,901.55 miles.
— Total driving time: 494 hours, not including unexpected lapses in momentum (i.e., traffic). That’s the equivalent of driving from Mooresville to Charlotte every day for the next 2.7 years.
Only 19 more trips to go.