A trip to Talladega isn't complete without a trip to the infamous infield. After Cup practice ended Friday afternoon, AJ, his wife Lynne, and motorcoach driver Skippy - along with a camera crew - took his golf cart out to meet and hang out with some race fans. He decided to check out the campgrounds between Turns 1 and 2, where he was immediately greeted by a megaphone and a bunch of screams. As soon as people realized a driver was among them, a crowd quickly formed around him. A bunch of Red Bull was passed out, and as you can imagine, several people asked if we had any vodka or jager to mix it with (which we didn't).
Some highlights from the afternoon:

- AJ sampled some cajun red beans and rice from some folks from Arkansas (and really liked it!) - Several people thinking AJ was Brian Vickers.
- AJ took a tour of a big blue party bus and signed the roof. And the surprising thing was the blue bus was full of Junior fans!
- AJ signed a guy's underwear... while he was wearing it. Seriously.
You will be able to check out the footage at
http://www.teamredbull.com/video.php in the weekly race clip, which will be posted Tuesday afternoon.
Unbelievable! You guys really improved...keep your heads up, we still are cheering!
What a waste of a year and talent just got done watching qualifing, this team has got some issues they need to deal with. As a life long Vickers fan I really am getting confused as to this thing DNQ's when again lesser funded teams Burton, wallace makeing the show, this is really unecxeceptable from here on out no reason for this junky showing every week. The excuses are not going to work when the wallaces and Burtons are making the show. I guess run these teams in the Busch series to get the red Bull sponsor some air time before they bolt, like NAPA is going to do with Waltrip, and a new team so is the 70 with sauter so exceses are over time to start performing guys, but get some seat time in the Busch series please with RED Bull that way I can watch Brian drive....somewhere. lets go
frustrated fan
Vickers ran top 20 ON TIME and still misses because of the qualifying procedure. Wallace got his engine from Hendrick which is always superior on restrictor plate tracks.
correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Red Bull own the team? how could they bolt?
I am so f#$@&* tired of the qualifying rules - both RB cars would have made the race. Nascar seriously needs to change things!!!
I agree that both the teams have alot of work to do, but when you start out behind the 8 ball every week it is so demoralizing for all the guys, drivers and crew members, as well as the fans. This is so FRUSTRATING!!!!
Umm hello FRUSTRATED FAN...dont u think every freaking Team Red BUll fan is frustrated....YEA WE ARE, its not there fault I mean people aren;t making these races by 9 1 thousanth of a freakin second...its not prformance..BRIAN MISSED THE RACE BY TWO POSITIONS...so if u were a true fan u would stop criticizing the team u are rooting for and support them...getting comments like the one u posted arent helping matters any its not showing support for the team...and by the way I think team red bull is doing the best they can...Mike Wallace, Kenny Wallace, and Burton have actually been in the cup series longer than team red bull has so I would suggest just being quiet and supporting the team
GO TEAM RED BULL. I think u did an excellent job, its not ur fault...I beleive its nascars fault by the way they lock cars in and stuff..u will get them next week....GOOD JOB GUYS
I'm pretty sure we'll see the top 25 cars in owners points locked into the race next year, as opposed to 35. There are just too many teams vying for the final 8 spots. Also, if they are locking in the top 25, there is no need for a champion's provisional. That rule only served a purpose when driver/owners didn't run a full schedule and failed to make a race because of an issue in qualifying.
But, there are no excuses. Brian and the 83 team just need to focus on doing what they can every week. They aren't THAT far out of the top 35, it is attainable, but they need to just take care of what is within their control, and not give up. They are a top 15 team when they race. The results will come. Any reasonable person knew that this wasn't going to be a banner year for the Red Bull team.
However, someone needs to take a hard look at the 84 team. Unlike the 83 team, they haven't had something to show for their season so far. I'm sure AJ is talented, but I think he needs far more seat time in a series where he can be immediately competitive, like truck or busch. Running in the back isn't going to teach anyone anything. I think a better short term choice would be someone like Steve Wallace, young, extremely familiar with stock cars, and would have some built-in support.
Anyway, onto Richmond and Darlington.
We are all frustrated but the 78 and 4 teams (underfunded as they may be) are established teams. TRB is a new team with a new car and a new motor. We can voice our dissapointment but I doubt we are smart enough to be able to tell these guys, with lots of time, energy and money invested to tell them how to run their business.
I'm usually not a superstitious person, but I can't help but believe Brian's difficulties this season are because of the new beard. Shave it, Bri!!
Unfortunately, AJ's merch trailer appearance won't happen as scheduled for Sunday since the team is returning home early. Sorry about that if anybody was looking to make it out there to get something signed.
Brian and AJ have been pretty equal in both practice and qualifying each week at the track. Both teams are learning and will get things figured out. Replacing AJ in the car wont change that, though it would be really helpful if he could also run in the busch series on Saturday to gain the racing experience.
Can we get rid of the Champion Provisional and have the fastest qualifying cars in the race!
BV and AJ are putting it out there every week only to be hamstrung by lame rules. You guys are doing great! "el toro rojo" is with you at every race through every turn.
Your true fans are behind you 100%!!
Toro rosso said it! The 83 and 84 teams are making improvements, even if it doesn't always work out the way we want it! We all knew this season was gonna be tough! Look at the BIG PIC.......with the top 15's and top 10 Brian has, they have a great team and will be AWESOME when they work out the bugs (at this point qualifying)!! Of course we're all frustrated, but the TRB teams are too---this is their life, they are working their butts off each and every week!!! I, for one, support them 100%, 100% of the time! Brian has hope, we should too!
BTW---Jarrett used his last Champions Provisional this week!
One more spot up for grabs!!!
Just thought I'd get online and thank AJ for the autograph and picture. It was a pleasure to meet you!!!
Brian should have made the race and AJ could have easily made it too, but what can we do about it now? Qualifying, like most of Nascar is screwed up. Ah well, there's next week
Improvemnts are being made..keep you heads high guys! You'll get em next week!
hey, grumpy paul... red bull is not the sponsor as much as the team owner. they dont need to run the busch series and arent bolting anywhere. All of the toyos are struggling and will work their stuff out soon enough. if you are really a BV fan, sit down, shut up and calm down..hes the best toyo driver when in the show...
Wow, There are some very interesting comments here. Luckily, most of us are taking the "big picture" position when it comes to TRB this year. I believe that NASCAR will most definately change the top 35 rule next year. I also think they'll do away with the Champs provisional. There's too much money at stake for them not to do something.
On a side note, can we get some info from the BULL SPOTTER on whether or not Reb Bull will be sporting a special paint scheme for the All-Star challenge in a few weeks? I think we'd all like to see that happen. I'd vote for the original 83 scheme. Anybody else want to weigh in?
Yeah I was wondering about the paint scheme for the All Star race too.
that would be cool if they had a special paint scheme for the all-star race..it would be pretty sweet
could not believe you could qualify in the 20th position and not make the race. nascar really needs to rethink this rule . a lot of good drivers and cars are going home. they should do it like the local tracks. qualify your car and thats where you start.
i know the pit crew guys and the entire team are so disappointed. i know the pit crew is doing the challenge. hope you get to show off there.
Another thing working against these teams that many people arent realizing (aside from the Nascars top 35 rule - which definately needs to be changed) is both the drivers and crew have to work with so many different cars. Its hard to concentrate on one car when you are racing a different one next week. Once Nascar decides to go strictly to the car of tomorrow it will be a huge weight off the team.
These are struggles we are going to have to endure this season. It will make us stronger in the future!!!
It agree it is ridiculous that someone qualifies 20th and does not make the race. NASCAR really needs to changes this to only the top 25 are locked in. Also every not locked in should have to qualify one after another. Keep your heads up Team Red Bull qualifying 20th and 28th was a good job, NASCAR just screwed us over this weekend.
Also AJ is doing a good job learning it just takes time and there is no way Steven Wallace would be better than AJ. He wrecks every week in the Busch series.
Yea that whole steven wallace thing was kinda not a smart idea...he does wreck every week but AJ is doing an excellent job he is trying extremely hard and isnt giving up
Everyone at TRB is doing an excellent job, inexperience and the rules are just working against them. Replacing AJ with Steven Wallace is just a ridiculous idea!
Yeah - FRUSTRATED FAN - you got it alllll wrong. I was SO Proud of this team on Saturday morning. Great qualifying runs by both cars. And STILL don't make the show? It's a shame to see cars that are significantly slower make the race. That's not the teams fault - that's a flaw in the system. This top 35 thing is for the birds! I rarely agree with Larry Mac or DW, but they got it right on during qualifying coverage. SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE!
AJ needs a Busch ride! Someone put him in a good car, and let him go learn! And hour and half each week in pre-qual practice, isn't enough. I don't understand why Red Bull wouldn't have started out in the Busch Series, where they would be basically guaranteed a spot at most races. AJ is like the only Cup rookie that is not running in the Busch Series. He must be awfully lonely at those Cup rookie driver meetings, because everyone else is off running in Busch practice! Another frustrated fan!
I am SO glad I am not the only one that hates BV's beard.
On an AJ note, he runs SUPER well in those Craftsman trucks...maybe Red Bull and Waltrip should put him in it full time...at least he will get some track experience. Seeing Reutimann's on Sunday (qualifies well, ran well until the mishap), maybe the truck experience would help.
I think Rusty left that Steven Wallace comment. He is getting tired of losing his ass week after week with wrecked cars, I think it would be more disappointing to make the race and run 12 laps and crash and take out 5 other good cars than it would to just go to the house on Friday. I'm just saying..... plus imagine that kid on Red Bull.
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