Hamlin Signs On as 83 Crew Chief

Our Hamlin’s past crew chief roles include his most recent stint with Dave Blaney’s No. 22 Toyota, preceded by nine years of crew chief duties with RCR drivers including Jeff Burton, Kevin Harvick, and the late Dale Earnhardt Sr. To date, Hamlin has amassed nine Cup wins; five of those with Earnhardt Sr. Despite Hamlin’s "nine" theme, there are no plans to change the No. 83 to No. 89.
Awesome, glad the Crew Chief has been named, we not can get Brian on to a winning road and the question of WHO is over.
2004 - soszpenzo
2005 - mcgrew
2006 - mcgrew
2007 - reichert/cox
2008 - Hamlin
I as a Vickers backer since 03, we need to see someone stay with my guy for more than 2 years to get some chemistry, I beleive one voice from the box on a regular sunday will be huge for a 24 yr old, I sure hope hamlin stays on..... for some time to develop that calming voice. 5 guys in 5 years in cup
I hope this is good news!
Here is how Frontstetch graded BV for 2007.
I always liked Hamlin hopefully it works out for BV, Hamlin, and TRB. Now let's see that paint scheme!
Welcome KH! Only time will tell about the chemistry but he has experiance and success with RCR . Good Luck!
ps. IMO it is more important to find the right combo than a long term combo that doesn't work (imo Vickers/Mcgrew in cup)
Welcome Kevin! Hoping for a GREAT season for the 83 and all of TRB! :D
Welcome to TRB, Kevin!! Glad to hear this announcement!
Welcome to Team Red Bull, Kevin! Can't wait to see the chemistry between Brian and Kevin play out. Does anyone know if Randy was going back to being the R&D Manager?
I have a question.
Is Team Red Bull officially changing its name to Red Bull Racing Team?
I wasn't expecting this. I thought they were going to keep Randy Cox. Oh well. I don't know much about Kevin Hamlin, I can only hope for the 83 to get the job done.
btw, is this the same Kevin Hamlin who raced in the Busch Series last year in the #42 Havoline car?
dEfQoN.1, No different Kevin Hamlin. The KH in Busch last year is a different guy. I actually met him at Kentucky last year..pretty nice guy.
Why would they change the name after one year? This is a rumor started here by someone who is making a guess. Yes it is a very different Kevin Hamlin. This one is a very experianced CC.
Well, I am not going to bitch but I always liked the name Tean Red Bull- it was different, like they are...Oh well, I will build a bridge and get over it! Rock on!
Welcome to TRB Mr. Hamlin. I look forward to watching this season unfold for you and the team. A lot of hard work has already been completed - a great base has been built - through the struggles of last season. As is regularly said on this site - "WE BELIEVE" - and I believe. Go ge'em boys!.
Yep, yep -- that was a typo --- Go get 'em boys!
Welcome Kevin. Good Luck at testing next week.Time will tell.WE BELIEVE
Hey Everyone! I want to invite all the Brian/AJ/TRB/Toyota fans to join a Yahoo fantasy league for Toyota fans.
For those of you familiar with Yahoo Fantasy Racing, the ID # is 1731 and the password is movin4ward
For those not familiar, just go to racing.fantasysports.yahoo.com/auto there is no www at the beginning. Where is says start your engines, click "sign up now" and follow the directions! Once you create your team click "join a group" and "join a private group"...that's where the ID # and password come into play. I hope y'all will join! :D
I believe each person can be in up to 3 leagues on Yahoo Fantasy Racing...Enjoy!
Welcome Kevin! Can't wait until testing. Good Luck!
@The guy who says TRB is now Red Bull Racing Team
Can you provide some evidence?
i think it might be true... Red Bull has been releasing news and calling themselves Red Bull Racing Team a lot lately.
i have a feeling that there's going to be a new scheme in Feb., most likely a small change on the scheme. i think we all noticed AJ's hood.
Subtle changes in the positioning and size of the "Bull" on the sides of AJ's car, too. I just can't believe TRB/RBR is taking so long to release this supposed new scheme. Anyone find any new 2008 merchandise?
You won't find the 2008 merchandise until February. That's when 95% of the team release the new stuff.
The name change is real but to take paint scheme changes off the test cars may be a mistake. Usually the teams get crazy/creative with the test cars schemes. For example-the #48 will not have the cool offset stripes and the 48 in a circle. I would not get too wrapped up with testing schemes- hopefully the 83 will be a little "outside the box" next week. And the new stuff will be out when it comes out! Relax and enjoy.....
oh.. yea that makes sense, about the scheme. i found a painting of AJ's test car, it's very accurate IMO. here it is;
But if you look at the articles posted on this website, it's only ONE of the writers who says "Red Bull Racing Team."
Maybe that same guy is working in the PR department and keeps making the same mistake?
I wish he'd cut it out. Red Bull Racing Team is lame.
trb83 maybe your insid source can let us know when new info is about to come out. how's R cox doing? oh hes not the crew chief
Hey Raging...I admited I was wrong and I have never said I know what is going on...Take your stuff and shove it ...I am out...
AJ must be thrilled - his beloved Packers won today!!!!
youare angryandnot in control of me. youpromisebut canot payoff in redbull inside Information. I seeyou posts. notlogical. I love redbullummm yummy! you,notso yummy.
Come on guyz! We all know nothing is official 'til the team formally announces it...there are alway speculations and possible inside connections...nothing to get bent out of shape about...
We're all here for the same team...
I promised nothing- you are a moron
Yes, the team name has evolved from "Team Red Bull" to "Red Bull Racing Team." How observant you all are.
Also, teams generally don't waste money and time painting their pre-season test cars with their new paint scheme. Stay calm, and stay tuned, we'll post the paint scheme on the blog soon...
Thank you Matador!
Thanks Matador. I'm probably the most impatient one on this blog. I appreciate the update. No more questions, I promise.
Red Bull Racing team should be proud that their fans are this hungry for information. We appreciate anything you share with us.
Good Luck in testing BV!
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