Skinner and Speed to Share 84 for Rest of '08

"The schedule we put together is in the best interest of both Red Bull Racing Team and AJ's plans for the future,” said RBRT Vice President and General Manager Jay Frye. "Allowing Mike Skinner and Scott Speed to share the No. 84 for the balance of the season helps our team continue developing our program for the future.”
Mike Skinner, who drove the No. 84 Red Bull Toyota for five races earlier in the 2008 season, will take the reins of the No. 84 at the NSCS races in both Talladega and Charlotte.
Red Bull development driver Scott Speed will drive the No. 82 Red Bull Toyota at Charlotte on October 11 – the same weekend he attempts to clinch the ARCA RE/MAX Series championship in Toledo. Speed will then take over driving duties of the No. 84 at Martinsville, Atlanta, Texas, Phoenix and Homestead.
I really fail to see how this is in AJs "best interest" seeing as he DOESNT HAVE A RIDE now. Well if Red Bull corporate really wants to get rid of him that badly I guess theres no stopping it, but one day I hope they look back on this decision and regret it. Best of luck AJ, hope you can find a great ride really soon. Shouldnt be too hard considering how talented a driver he is.
Hopefully Scott Speed will live up to the hype in cup. Im a fan of his but didnt want to see him get a cup ride at AJs expense. Hopefully his development in ARCA and CTS will prevent his early struggles like AJ had.
trb83 - What makes you think aj DOESNT have a ride right now?? Just because nothing has been announced, doesnt mean that things arent moving and shaking with him and other teams. You'll see before long. I bet we see him in another car this year AND a full time ride for next year. So hold your horses.
Why is everyone assuming AJ is getting screwed? Maybe he asked to leave. Maybe he's going to be in the 41 this weekend. Maybe...this isn't a bad thing for AJ at all!
This should be great for BV at Talladega! Skinner knows what he is doing at the plate tracks and BV is always up front maybe he can now have some drafting help.
Oh man you said it, Brian. I was thinking the same thing. Don't get me wrong though because I will miss AJ not being at RBRT. But we haven't seen the 2 RBRT cars work together in the draft yet.
Well Paul Menard is out of DEI now. I think the #15 has even more potential than the #41. Hopefully AJ is the one filling that seat.
I'm certain that AJ will be in a car before the end of the year. I think it's just a matter of getting the i's dotted and t's crossed on his contract.
I don't understand why he couldn't have raced Talladega and Charlotte instead of Mike, but I don't know all the behind the scenes details either. Hopefully we will hear something on his future soon. I'll have withdrawals if I can't listen to him on scanner for the rest of the year.
Good luck to Mike and Brian in the Cup race this weekend. It will be interesting to see if they draft well together. And good luck to Scott in ARCA and Trucks.
Everything I have read said AJ asked out...He was offered an extension and turned it down because it was "only" 1 year. I wish AJ luck , but lets all get our facts right
Im as much of an AJ fan as the next guy, but I dont have anything against Scott Speed IF he does replace AJ. Isnt that the name of the game in this sport? The driver with better results - or more potential - gets the better ride, right? Is Red Bull supposed to keep AJ around longer just because we all like him? That just isnt a smart business strategy IMO.
I'm excited for AJ and the Red Bull Racing Team. I'm not sure why though. Maybe I'm just overly hopeful. At least give Skinner and Speed a light blue car or something. The silver bull was AJ's car... :(
you guys just dont get it. AJ wanted a long term extension and he didn't desrve one. He is BARELY in the non-goorgohome top 35 now (partly thanks to Skinner). He will be fine, he will gt a deal with DEI or Genassi no problem. Remember, Red Bull gave him the ride, he didn't earn it. It was a risky deal, same as scott speed will be.
I'm guessing that there was more behind the scenes on this than any of us will ever know. But sometimes things work out for the best, even if it's not necessarily what we want at the moment.
AJ has a bright future wherever he goes, and Red Bull has a bright future with Scott in the 84. As sad as I am that AJ won't be in a car this weekend, I know it won't be for long. And it's not like I won't have anyone out there to cheer for. :)
IMO Red Bull didn't intentionally try and screw AJ when AJ signed on in 2006. They were new to NASCAR and had no idea how hard it would be for AJ to make it in Cup. Look at all the other open wheelers. None of them are doing well either. If they had known that it would take so long to get used to stock cars and the tracks, then I'm sure they would have put AJ in Trucks on Nationwide. Unfortunately, AJ was the first one to go through this experiment. Now Red Bull knows better and wont do it again to another one of their drivers.
Since Red Bull will have 3 cars on track at Charlotte who will be the crew chief and crew and over the wall guys for the 3rd car?
Randy Cox will be Scott's crew chief in the Cup race at Charlotte. Randy has been the Crew Chief for RBRT's test team since 2006. We'll borrow the over-the-wall crew from Bill Davis Racing.
People have heard different things it seems but I believe the expression on his face and the words he said in his interview last Sunday tells the true story. I believe he was done wrong. Isn't it a little late to be releasing him, after most of the contracts have already been negotiated. I believe he'll shine next year. Let's remember he came into a team with no owner points and no team points, but look how good he's doing now. Hang in there AJ, I know there's great things to come for you.
Congrats Scott on getting called up to the Big Leagues! I might actually have to watch a full NASCAR race now. I hope you move quickly up the steep learning curve.
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