Speed Shopper
AJ’s speedy on the race track - and even speedier when it comes to shopping. In true male fashion, he likes to get in and out of a store as quickly as possible. He recently relocated to the “NC” and stocked up on the necessities of a true bachelor pad – a TV, stereo, microwave, and bed. After a few qualifying runs through local furniture stores, La-Z-Boy warranted a return visit to pick up a sofa and chair (photo), with some tricky delivery instructions to accommodate his travel schedule. Shopping really drained him so it was off to the Fox and the Hound to refuel and make a friendly wager on the Colts vs. Patriots game. AJ betted against the Colts and forked over 90 bucks for his bad decision.
Cute! Heh. I want that hoody that he's wearing.
My, my what a stupid young lad. Never bet against the Colts, unless it's in the playoffs.
Well AJ better get used to that chair as he can't make it into the race.
What is AJ's plan during the off season.....oh wait everyday is the off season at TRB
AJ won 5 champcar races this year. Of course he's going to have a learning curve driving a Cup car. Juan's just going to get lucky because he's driving for a team that already has lots of data to use to setup the cars. Give it a few years, AJ will blow Juan away!
wake up aj
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