Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Light 459; Dark 601

The crew at Team Red Bull seem to like practical jokes as more and more are taking place these days. Just yesterday, the lead engineer Alan Keeble pulled a fast one on engineering intern Vince (a student at local UNC-Charlotte). Since auditors were in the shop, he told Vinny that they requested a total count of Red Bull cans in the raceshop, so Vinny spent part of the day going from room to room counting Red Bull and Sugar Free cans. Then he proceeded to walk in on the auditors (which included a high-profile partner in the firm) with his very professional looking spreadsheet (read: blue Post-It notes scribbled with various numbers). To quote Vinny: "Do you need me to add the numbers up?" Let me guess...Vince and Accounting 101 didn't agree with each other. Good one Alan.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

459 Sugar Free, 601 regular for a total of 1060 cans of Red Bull in the TRB shop.

1:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You would think Team Red Bull would have more Red Bull

1:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's a little short I know "Stores" has at least 2400 cans of sugar free.

1:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome! You have to love 'jeeps'(military speak for rookies,
newbies) the Air Force a few years back we had a 'jeep' go ask a sargeant
in Supply where the keys were to some f-15's that were sitting on the
flight line...classic!

4:29 AM  

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