Soiree at Soiree

There are plenty of great things to say about last night’s team party at Soiree Restaurant, but at the top of the list - there was no shortage of great food. Every nook and cranny of the two-story place had stations of filet mignon, Ahi tuna, crab cakes, shrimp gumbo, pork, mashed potatoes, salad bar, dessert bar, and even a cotton candy machine. No shortage of Red Bull, no shortage of great DJ tunes, and no shortage of fun stories that unfolded. Everyone has a camera full of pics, but we’re only going to let you in on the G-rated photo of the Team Red Bull ice sculpture – check that thing out! For those who waited in suspense to find out what the holiday gifts were… an iPod shuffle, Puma watch and Puma beanie (or toboggan as they call it in “The NC”).
Wow! I can't imagine what you will get next year after you actually make a race.
Well, Dale. The sky's the limit here :)
Well, you can send mine to heaven via Junior.
Awesome ice sculpture. Merry early Christmas to all of you.
Matador, if you don't mind me asking, what exactly is your function within the team?
have you picked your pit crew and are they happy to be with a really new team. i know new teams go through a lot of changes.
Helena...we like to keep some mystery here at TRB, so let's just say I'm an "insider" for now...
we're pretty close to completing both the 83 and 84 pit crews. i'll blog about it as soon as they're all hired..
thanks, happy holidays to you and everyone on both teams. we wish yall the best of luck in 2007. tired of hearing about the same team every weekend. doug is a great crew chief and seems to be well respected and very good at his job.
That's was by far the best company x-mas party I've ever attended. Eveything and everyone made the party what it should have been and I was happy to be a part of it. Thanks TRB for the night of a lifetime.
Thank you Team Red Bull! That was one of the best Christmas parties we've ever been too. Food was AWESOME and we had a blast :)
Here we come 2007!
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